Our Photographers
Heart Gallery photographers volunteer their time to create beautiful portraits of Oklahoma’s waiting children. The Waiting Child Heart Gallery would not be possible without their talent and generosity!
Gay Larson | 918-284-4888
Jeanie Eaton | 918-606-8846 | eatonfam2tds.net
Natalie Green | 918-742-0500 | natalie@aperturesphoto.com
Mike Spivey | 918-850-7036 | lefturn99@yahoo.com
Richard Harkins | 918-693-7803 | rdharkins@juno.com
Bob Chance | 918-694-8258 | rchance5@cox.net
Pam Stukenborg | 412-759-3121 | stukephoto@gmail.com
Barry Selke | 918-671-4821 | barry.selke@yahoo.com
Ray Peaster | 918-333-5881 | araypeaster@outlook.com
Jim Gillispe | 918-508-0155 | jimgillispie@cox.net
Vicki McClaflin |918-346-0988 | vickim1@me.com
Carolanne Roach |405-209-4648 | snwangl@aol.com
Katherine Farris | 405-441-1090 | katherine@kfarrisphotography.com
Ashle Terry | 405-209-4648 | ashlenterry@yahoo.com
Shelley Lowe | 405-410-6557 | sheley.e.lowe@gmail.com
Ally Johnson | 405-821-1225 | ally.jo@gmail.com
Tom Duncan | 918-845-1468 | tom@tomduncanphotography.com
Mary Beth Ede | 918-742-0500 | marybeth@aperturesphoto.com
Bill Oswald | 918-640-5076
Ray Peaster | 918-333-5881 | araypeaster@outlook.com
Sara Vorva | 405-833-6966 | wanderlustexposures.com
Please support our adoption community by using photographers with a heart for adoption.
Interested in becoming a Heart Gallery photographer? Visit our Get Involved section to learn more.